

Soulcalibur 6 takes place in the early years of this series

"I just want to say that this Soul Calibur MMORPG has ended up being absurdly cool. I definitely encourage you all to pick it up and give it a shot," he concludes. 继续阅读

GameSprite : 'Soul Calibur 6' hits PC browser in Mar 1, 2018

Soul Calibur . a new browser game comes on pc. 继续阅读

Plenty of deck types in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Evolution mobile game

Instantfuns has decided that since you’ve all been awesome when it comes to playing yu-gi-oh duel evolution, they’re going to give you something extra special to celebrate the one-year anniversary. According to the company 继续阅读

Many gamers switch to playing the Duel Evolution H5 version of yugioh game

You always play Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Evolution here, as the narrative has you taking on Sauron, stopping the Dark Lord before he accumulates enough power to end the game 继续阅读

Pokemon Company shared which Mega Pokemon will be version exclusives

Pokemon Mega ended with Lillie promising that she would return to Alola one day. It’s possible that the alternate universe could follow a stronger version of the character upon her return to Alola 继续阅读